Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 and 3/4

Class teachers: Mrs Wilkins (Hungary) Mr Preston (France) Mrs Miles (Ghana)

Support staff: Mrs Scott, Mrs Wright, Miss Hopkinson

Our themes this term are: Stone Age – Iron Age and Animals Including Humans

Class book: How to Train A Dragon 

Geography – What do we know about Britain?

Science – How can our environment impact food chains?

 PE day is Friday for France, Ghana and Hungary, please come into school dressed in PE kits.

Home Learning

  • Pupils have a spelling test every Thursday.
  • Reading records should be brought to school every Thursday (France), Friday (Ghana) and Friday (Hungary) with at least 3 reads in.
  • Homework is handed out every Friday and is due in the following Friday.

In addition to this, all pupils have access to Purple Mash and are able to complete a range of activities covering a range of topics. Pupils are also encouraged to login to TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) to practice their times tables.