Vision of PE at OSPA (Ormiston South Parade Academy)
At Ormiston South Parade Academy, we believe that Physical Education is an essential part of a child’s development. We recognise its importance in promoting a healthy lifestyle and developing core values. We therefore aim to provide our pupils with a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum to help them thrive and become happy and healthy individuals.
The Delivery
Our curriculum is designed to give pupils the opportunity to achieve the National Curriculum aims through a range of sporting activities. These include athletics, dance, games (invasion, net & wall and striking & fielding), gymnastics, outdoor & adventurous activities (OAA) and swimming.
PE is planned in units from Complete PE. Teachers adapt the lessons to ensure that content and delivery is appropriate and relevant to the needs of our pupils. The scheme ensures that lessons are progressive and our pupils have the opportunity to practise skills in a variety of ways. These units are built upon throughout the years.
Alongside PE, in Science and PSHE, we teach pupils the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how to take ownership of their own health and fitness.
At breaks and lunchtimes, our pupils are encouraged to take part in physical activity through staff monitored games and the use of a range of sports equipment.
A range of competitions run throughout the year, giving our pupils the opportunity to take part in competitive sports. During the summer term, all pupils take part in Sports Day.
KS2 pupils attend swimming lessons at a local pool learning water safety skills, a range of strokes and how to swim 25m.
A range of additional opportunities are available to our pupils to broaden their curriculum offer. These include after school sports clubs, intra and inter-school competitions, residentials and inspirational visitors.