Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Class teachers: Miss Carter (Italy) and Mrs Wallwork (Japan)

Support Staff: Mrs Fuller and Miss Dalby

Our themes this term: How similar were the Vikings to their fearsome reputation? in History, States of matter in Science, Artist – study Sonia Delaunay in Art and spreadsheets and emails in ICT.

This term’s book will be ‘How to Train Your Dragon.

PE day is a Friday. Please send children to school in the appropriate kit.

Home learning

Children need to be reading at least 3 times a week. Please sign the reading record each time your child has read at home. Reading records should be sent in every Friday so we can complete the class reading charts and the children can collect their rewards.

Spellings will be sent home each week and there will be a spelling check every Friday.

Please encourage children to use the Times Tables Rockstar app regularly and help them with their times tables. Year 4 children will be taking the national statutory times tables check in June 2025 and will need to know all of their times tables.